Blogger Layouts

Friday, September 16, 2011

thanks papa!!!

hye dear...long time no see ...hehheeh i dont think so it a long time enough for this...hukhukhuk!! ermm i juz want to share something about me...juz a little moment that i had since i'm back from ump...hahha...juz nothing here...actually i would like to thanks to my beloved daddy!! thanks so much papa!! even sometime i hate so much the way u taught me but sometime it really experience me how to be expert in the road. yeahh i'm realize hard u try to teach me..adapt my  behavior..err i'm the hot temper person..degil!  hahaha! thanks again papa..because of u i get what i want...everything i learn from you, i use it now...thanks also cz train me so well ...till i can drive safely from kL-ktn, ktn-gambang..gambang-ktn..hehehe~~ really unexpected..glad that nothing bad happen to me n my frens..

::br prasan byk sgt traffic light kt jln ktn nie..jln cket traffic light..cittt!! lecee!!
:::traffic light ooo traffic light!!! hahaahah!!! adeiiii!!! 

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